Sunday, December 5, 2010
Santa Palooza Day 5 – How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Growing up, this movie would come on at a random time one night during December and my family would stop everything and watch it. It was a short movie, filled with plenty of commercials so we could fill up out hot chocolate and cookies. On a few rare occasions it would come on while we were decorating the house, or shortly after. On those nights we considered ourselves double lucky. We never planned on watching it, but every year we were able to catch it. I love the basic story of how deep down, all people are actually good. Even Grinches.
When they came out with the live action version in 2000 I was really excited. I like Ron Howard a lot and am a Jim Carrey fan. The previews were fun and I loved the vivid colors of Whoville. The supporting characters are fun and are each given a little time in the spot light. It was fun to watch for the first time and try to decipher who was each Who! I like how The Grinch has a back story and full emotions. We get to see how he became who he is, and can see how we are all one bad holiday away from throwing in the towel.
When you watch this movie, you are already forced into Dr. Seuss’ imaginary and exciting world so you have to be ready for everything it throws at you. Be ready for the prat falls and the over the top comedy of Carrey. Be ready for the heart tugging puppy-dog eyes of Cindy Lou. Be ready for the tear drop that will inevitably fall when the snow comes down and you suddenly realize that sometimes you’re a Grinch too. And maybe you need to rethink how you look at the holiday and the people you share it with. We all want to be a Who- true, good, honest and pure of heart. This movie always makes me cringe at the mean-hearted-ness of The Grinch and vow to treat people with more patience and care.
I hope you enjoy this movie! Faith Hill sings one of the classics of the 21st Century holiday seasons. This movie is worth the time.
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Santa Palooza Day 4 – Miracle on 34th Street

1947, 95 minutes
This holiday classic came into my radar years ago simply because of its name. Everyone knows the story of the Macy’s Santa who really is Chris Kringle. I vaguely remember my mother talking about this movie as one she loves. Being a black and white, I assumed she liked it. After all, she’s the person who introduced me to “It’s a Wonderful Life” which we’ll watch later this month. Then when I lived in New York I came to love the movie even more. Especially when I went to see the large balloons on Thanksgiving and walked the route the annual parade takes. I felt even more connected to the single mother in the movie who wants her child to grow up without the heartache she lived through.
But the magic of this movie is that Santa works through all our heartbreak. (Okay, before that is the brilliance that is Edmund Gwenn. His delivery of the script is spot on. His Santa isn’t cartoonish or overly jolly. He’s relatable and loveable and so smart. He should have a Santa advice book.) Santa is there to hug you and comfort you and keep the magic of the season alive. Of course it sounds crazy, especially in a world where people can forget magic so easily. Santa has a hard job and we don’t make it any easier.
I think that’s why I did Christmas so full out this year. I want to believe. I DO believe in the magic of Christmas. I believe this is the time of year people can change and grow and learn. I believe in the power of family and love and friendship. I believe in the excitement of opening presents and of giving the perfect gift. I believe in the commercializing and the over buying and the simplifying. This movie helps with all of that.
Because who doesn’t want a Santa Claus in their life that looks to the good of the people, not just the good of himself.
Enjoy and happy holidays!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Santa Palooza Day 3 – Love Actually
I was aware of this movie when it came out, but for some reason I didn’t rush out to see it. Years went by and it became a staple for people. And yet, I had no interest. I think the trailer pushed me away. I just didn’t like the feel of it. Maybe I felt it was too busy or something along those lines. Two years ago I was talking to one of my best friends and he mentioned that it was his favorite movie. Well that sold it for me. We sat down and watched it and it has been a holiday staple ever since. I love that it is set in England and I can pretend to be part of an international love story. It doesn’t hurt that the people are beautiful and the colors literally pop off the screen.
This movie reminds me of the person I love and would not live without. He LOVES this movie and through that love I have come to love it as well. This movie reminds me of us sitting, holding each other, and watching it, knowing that we are lucky enough to have this moment and each other.
But more than just my love, it’s a love story for every relationship I’ve ever been in. And every relationship I will be in. Because relationships come and they go. And we would be ignorant to think our lives are not marked with the passage of time and with it the change time brings. There is a piece of me in every story in this movie. Just like there is a piece of everyone. We have all loved. We have all lost. We have all been at the end of our rope, ready to throw in the towel of relationships and just live with our pizza and beer. But we get through it and we remember that there is love at the end of every tunnel. And the pain and effort is always worth it.
It’s not everyone’s plan to get married and have babies. Many of us enjoy our single life and thrive in only dealing with our personal schedules. But no one can live without love. No one can live without touch and passion and caring and excitement and the knowledge that there is someone out there who cares whether you live or die, whether you call or not, and whether you’ll be home for dinner or not.
Love is easy. Love is difficult. But more than anything, love is vital. I hope everyone out there has someone to love this holiday season. Not necessarily a romantic love. The love of a baby, a sibling, a friend or even a four footed companion is all we need to get through the cold lonely nights of winter.
Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Santa-Pallooza Day 2- The Holiday
Last night I watched “Elf” and laughed and laughed. It is such a comforting movie and a great way to start out the season. It throws Christmas at you! I love the colors and the humor and the story of turning someone from the Naughty List to the Nice List. The biggest thing I take away from that movie, however, is how friendly and honestly good Buddy is. He truly loves everyone and cannot find fault in anyone’s actions. Even when his dad snaps at him, pushes him away and sends him to the mail room, Buddy sees the good and continues on with his unfailing happiness. His reaction to things always make me pause we realize that sometimes all a situation needs is a smile and a hug. Nothing is that important. And nothing is too important to take the time to smile and hug.
Tonight I (and maybe you too) will watch The Holiday with Kate Winslet, Jack Black, Jude Law and Cameron Diaz. This movie is set during the holidays and tells the story of two women troubled with guy-problems. They swap homes in each other's countries, where they each meet a local guy and fall in love. It follows them as they get over their ex and move on to a better match. It’s no secret what happens and who ends up with whom. But the interaction with all the characters and their heartfelt desire to just have a holiday filled with love is a great story for the season. I don’t really like Cameron in this movie, but she has great scenes with Jude so it’s worth it. You could literally melt in his eyes in this movie. He is charming and quietly perfect. Kate is amazing with her ability to break your heart subtly and yet remain strong. And Jack charms you with his humor and kind heart. You start to believe there are actually good guys in Los Angeles. There is something in each of these characters that people can relate with and ultimately strive towards.
I watch this movie every year because it reminds me to believe in true love and finding the right person for you at that moment, then trusting it’s the right person for you forever. I love the layout and pure gorgeousness of the LA house (I want it!) and the scenic beauty that is the small English village where Cameron ends up. For a few hours I get to leave my cramped apartment with no snow and live in a world where happy coincidences lead to an obtain-ably magical Christmas.
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Santa-Pallooza Day 1- ELF

Santa-Pallooza 2010 Begins!!
Christmas time makes me an even more avid movie watcher. I watch probably 5 movies a week during a normal week in my life. Some in the theaters. Some on my portable DVD. Some through the brilliance of Netflix Instant Watch. I love the world movies create. December brings a new love of movies to my life. I love holiday movies and every year there are more and more to add to the list. It is hard to keep it at only 25!
I watch a holiday movie daily to get me in the holiday spirit and wrap my head around the craziness that is December. I started this tradition a few years ago and I LOVE IT! This year I decided to add in my facebook friends and my blog to make it a little more interactive and get everyone involved who wants to be. I’ll post them five at a time so you have time to get them from Netflix or the movie rental place. (See- THIS is why Blockbuster can’t go out of business!) Each day I will write about what the movie means to me and why I chose it. I’ll post things to look out for and how long the movie is, as well as what age group it’s appropriate for. Kind of like a Christmas movie guide….filled with my opinions.
I hope you enjoy it. Here are the first five movies:
- Elf (12/1)
- The Holiday (12/2)
- Love Actually (12/3)
- Miracle on 34th Street (12/4)
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas (200 and/or 1966) (12/5)
So join me if you can. Truthfully, I hope I am able to keep up with it. I know I can, so here is the test. And it’s good practice because my goal for 2011 is to take on a big project and make it happen. More on that later.
Elf- Wednesday December 1 Santa-Pallooza Movie #1
(95 minutes, rated PG) No bad words, no sex, no scary, no villans, no violence. The PG is for the adult humor.
Tonight I am cleaning my house and getting it ready for my Christmas tree, which I’ll get on Sunday. I have to move boxes and make a space for it. In fact, I might just put the tree ON boxes since it will only be about three feet high. But I have some amazing ornaments that I want to get some tree time this year. So a tree it is. Plus I want the smell of a fresh tree. And the glow of the tree lights as I fall asleep every night. I am embracing Christmas this year, and a tree is the best way to do it. Having “Elf” on in the background as I do it is going to be the icing on the gingerbread.
I saw Elf for the first time when I was working on Main Street in Disneyland in 2004. It had come out the previous year so John brought in the DVD backstage for us to watch during our breaks. It was perfect! We sang in octets on Main Street so the green room was filled with carolers laughing at the craziness of Buddy the Elf. Soon, since we watched it every day for weeks, we were able to quote him and no place was safe from Elf nonsense. Since then the movie is a Christmas staple in my life. John (my tenor for over three years with the same sense of humor as me) and I would pull random quotes out of the air during the season and we wouldn’t even have to look at each other to know where the conversation was going. It is a uniting movie, and even the most skeptics of movie watchers eventually succumb to the brilliance of Buddy’s humor. “Ooh what’s a skeptic? I want one!” I’m sure having the TV run it every day has played a big part in wearing down people’s resistance.
Enjoy and Happy Holidays!! See you tomorrow!