Friday, September 22, 2017

GUT CHECK TIME - 2017 Goals Progress Report

100 days left of 2017. How close am I to achieving my goals set for 2017, keeping in mind the absolute shit-show this year has been? Not an excuse, merely a bigger obstacle than I anticipated.
- Lose 30 lbs (5%) - This remains the white whale (pun intended). I've lost 5lbs. I am shooting for at least 10 more before 2018
- Do full splits on both sides (50%) - I can do full on the right. Left is taking her time. Hip trouble is not helping, but dancing every day totally is
- Full headstand w/o the wall (5%) - I can lean my body against the wall. This is still possible before the end of the year though!
- 6 halfs and 3 fulls (10%) - not nearly enough races this year. However, I have New Mexico in Oct, a 5k this weekend and at least 3 more 5ks before the end of the year. Will most likely get another half in there as well now that the weather is gorgeous
- Run/walk 2017 miles (64%) - I am on track to complete this one!
- Pay down $20k (15%) - I'm chipping away at this. Still have 5 years of debt ahead of me, but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
- Build emergency fund (6%) - I have $400 in savings. More than I've had in the past. Less than ideal.
- SDCC for full 4 days (50%) I was able to go out for 2 days and it was wonderful
- 2 new marathon states (50%) I'll get NM done but probably not a second state
- See family 4 times (50%) January show and 4th of July celebrations! Will see them in Nov and December
- Book shows consistently (100%!) I have worked my butt off and have booked a show every month in 2017 so far. My career is moving forward!
- $5k in income (100%!) I thought I set a too lofty of a goal here. But I set it and I achieved it! It feels good to be validated!
- Get an agent (0%) This is still on going. I need an agent so I can make more money and quit my "day job", allowing me to be a full time entertainer. I know it's possible!
Looks like I have some work to do! #LetsDoThis

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