Friday, September 10, 2010

What made me happy Thursday 9 Sept 2010

- Mixed Company call-backs. This is the 8th season I will work with MixedCo and I can remember the first time I auditioned for them. I didn’t make it. The man I was dating at the time was really good friends with Randy and thought I would enjoy the work and would be good for the company. I was 22 and thought I was a perfect fit as well. I sang, went to call backs, chatted with Randy and was certain I was going to be singing Christmas carols that year. I didn’t get the call that Friday. I didn’t ask Randy why. I didn’t ask Steve to ask him for me. I figured it wasn’t my time to be with the group and I would audition the following year. I did, I went to call backs and in 2002 I started singing with MixedCo. It was the season that would change my life. A lot has happened in the past 8 years, I’ve left the group and come back to it, and I love it every year. Every season is a new challenge and a new chance for me to add to my bag of entertainment tricks. The friends I make through MixedCo continue to inspire me and change my life. I consider myself blessed to get to work with such wonderful people and learn from them throughout the Christmas season.
- Singing. There is nothing in the world I enjoy more than singing. Singing with people, singing alone… doesn’t matter. I love to sing. I love to tell stories through music. I love to make people laugh, make people think and make people cry. I would do it for free. I would do it for millions. I just want to sing. And, I have to say, standing next to Becca and meshing voices with her again felt like coming home. Like a sweater you pull out in the fall and put it on only to realize it still fits and is surprisingly more comfortable than the last time you wore it. I love my soprano.
- Hearing a song I arranged being sung by a quartet. We didn’t have bells and it was thrown together in 5 minutes, but hearing the notes I put on paper be sung by someone- well that was pretty special. I am so excited to hear the song in all its glory this season.
- Getting a free cup of coffee at the coffee bar at work.
- Watching four episodes of “The Office” and laughing while I sat in my own version of a sitcom.
- Something didn’t make me happy- but it made me laugh at yet another sign that the universe will give you what you want. I don’t know how well The Secret works in people’s lives, but every once in a while I see it come to such powerful fruition it knocks me out. For example, in 1999 I was doing a show at Moonlight down in Vista and was driving back to Fullerton every week for work and school. During one of the drives, around 11p at night after the show, I thought to myself “I’m really lucky to never have been stuck on the side of the road.” Ha! Literally ten minutes later my tire popped and I was stuck on the side of the road. If it hadn’t happened to me I wouldn’t believe it. Come to present day. Every day this week I have heated up my frozen meal and thought to myself, as I pulled the plastic wrap off the top, “wouldn’t it suck if I pulled the plastic off and dropped the plate?” I thought this EVERY DAY this week, thankful I wasn’t dropping my food. Guess what I did? I pulled the plastic off the top and dropped the plate of food all over the kitchen floor. I don’t know if that’s what they meant by The Secret, but apparently thinking things does make them come true.
- Watering the plants at Claudia’s house. Being around so much green made me really excited to have plants of my own and get ready for the patio I now get to call my own.
- Sleeping in my own place. I didn’t really sleep, between the outside noise and the lack of time between bedtime and wake up to run time, and the worry I was going to get burgled because there was no one around. But I was in my own bed and sleeping totally alone in the world.
- Eating at BJs with some people from MixedCo. Spent more than I should have and ate more than I should have. But it was really nice to have several hours just to hang out with my friends and laugh.
- Words with Friends is behaving itself again.
- $.99 coffee and a donut from 7-eleven. Not good for my bank account or my waistline, but a pink donut with sprinkle makes me smile.
- And, as always, the health and happiness of my family and friends. I am so lucky to be surrounded by people who love me and who work hard to make sure I know they care for me. It is a good feeling to know there are people in the world who want you around and like that you exist.

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