I have failed beautifully in this!! I mean, not so bad that I am wobbling around dragging my extra chins along behind me. I haven’t gained a single pound in the past three months. However, I haven’t really lost any weight either. I haven’t weighed myself since last Sunday and at that time I was still an least 20 lbs above my goal weight. And I have jeans that don’t fit. And I have a formal that doesn’t fit.
But I also have jeans that are too loose. I have costumes that need to be taken in and I have shorts that look amazing on me.
So the scale isn’t moving quickly. Okay. But it is moving. I have made a few adjustments in my eating this past week and I like the outcome. I haven’t been drinking much at all, except for this past weekend when my show opened. Doing a show tends to toss all dieting logic out the window. I love to drink with people! At least I have stopped drinking alone. For now. But I also have stopped eating carbs after 4p and that is working really well for me. I like how light I feel when I go to sleep at night. I’m eating too much cheese, but that will fade in time. I have to stop with the cheese! In general I’m just eating less, and that’s one of the biggest hurdles to get over.
The bottom line is, I’m slowly (ever so slowly) moving towards my goal. My goal date is July 8 for the wedding and I can do it. But it’s going to take waaaaay more will power than I have shown the past two months. I have to get up and run in the morning. I feel amazing when I do that. There is this awesome sense of accomplishment. I have to drink more water. I have to stop with the cheese. I have to stop with the drinking (which will be easier once my show closes). And I have to keep my eye on the ball.
That white bikini trip to Vegas isn’t my only reward. I also have the promise of a photo shoot, complete with hair and make-up, to show off my hot body. I also have the knowledge that I can complete something. And the pride in actually doing it.
So for anyone who was wondering where the hell I’d gone and if this is still going on- heck yeah it is! There is a white string bikini in my future. And I have two more months to carve the body I need to get into it.
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