Monday, September 26, 2011

10 Weeks No Meat!!

I land in England in a few hours and I have made a decision. I am going to be a vegetarian/vegan while I am over there. Alcohol is veggie, right? And I am not going to have sex. Thus begins my 10 Weeks of No Meat!! (I know it’s crass, but I like the play on words. It always makes me giggle when anyone refers to a man’s package as “meat”.) Besides, you know I can’t just do one thing. There has to be a hook.
There are several reasons why I’d deprive myself of sex and beef for the next 10 weeks. After reading “The Veganist” by Kathy Feston and “The Kind Diet” by Alicia Silverstone this summer, I cannot, in good conscious, eat meat again. I know that in my life I will be given circumstances where I have to eat meat because it’s the only option. I am done making two Thanksgiving dinners, so there’s another one. And I’ll eat whatever my mother makes for me. But right now? When it’s just me and I am perfectly happy eating beans out of a can? A meatless existence it is!
And the no sex? Easy! I’m in grad school! When am I going to sleep, let alone with anyone? My reading list is two pages long. I have no interest in starting anything with anyone here, including the cute British boys I haven’t met yet. I am here for one thing- my masters degree in acting. I’m not here to find a husband. I’m not here to sleep around. I’m not here to do anything but become a smarter and technically better actress. My celibacy will probably prove to be a powerful tool in warding off potential suitors. I’ll just tell them I’m not interested and move on. And for the persistent man who cannot take “no” for a final answer because I am so gorgeous? Well, I’ll just tell him I already have a cute British sex slave waiting for me at home. That should work, right?
I’m confident this is an excellent decision. No meat to clog up my brain or my digestive system. Eventually no dairy. If I like it, I'll continue the veggie lifestyle into my next two terms. No British man demanding my time and clogging my emotions or my heart, leaving me free to concentrate on school work. I have a tendency to obsess with boys and how they see me. I focus on why or why not someone wants to sleep with me. I compare myself with the women who have boyfriends and wonder why I'm not good enough to have someone. Me and love is a hot mess. So I'm taking it off the table. I'm going to work on ME and what I want in this life and what I can someday offer to someone. This is my year to grow as an artist and I cannot have some 3 month international fling mess that up.

I’m entering this new country, and this new chapter in my life, with a clean slate. I have confidence this is the best decision I’ll make over the Atlantic. Because my choice in airplane food left something to be desired!
Any interest in going meatless with me? Read “The Veganist” or “The Kind Diet” and you might be more interested in joining me! It’s only 75 days. You can do it! (I’ll throw in Thanksgiving Cheat Day as an incentive if that’s easier.)

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