Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Closing of half the year

Tomorrow is July 1st, meaning today is the final day of June. It is also the final day of the 6th month, giving us 6 whole months of 2010 left. 181 days down, 184 days left. About halfway. In my years I have come to realize that the second half of the year goes significantly faster than the first half, meaning I don’t have much time left to celebrate the glory that is 2010.

In the first six months of this year I have received my certification for massage, performed in 2 plays (currently rehearsing for my third), paid off $7000 of my debt, taken three massage classes and am currently studying online in my marketing class. I have paid off my Greece trip (except airfare) and I have lost two inches around my waist. No weight loss, but inches lost. I consistently worked a 40+ hour week and kept myself out of trouble….for the most part. 2010 has been a wonderful year so far, as I continue to push myself to be better and do better. I am proud of what I have done and the path that I am on to do more.

As my good friend Jess says- I am being proactive and I am working toward something.

Here are what my 2010 New Years Resolutions are and let’s see if I have kept to them.

- No fast food.
o I have stuck to this. I have not been to a drive through or eaten food from any fast food chain. I have eaten crap- don’t get me wrong. But no McD’s, Taco Bell, Del Taco, Burger King, etc. This is a resolution I am so happy I did and I am so proud that I have stuck to. I feel good and I now know that it is possible to live without fast food. For those people out there who say “I could never” listen to this- YES YOU CAN! There are thousands of options that don’t include genetically modified food that comes from a freezer. You can do it!
- Watch a new movie every week
o I have kind of done this. I get Netflix every month and unlimited watching on the computer. I also go to the library and get movies to watch at home. Add all that in and I have watched a new movie every week. Some better than others and some I wish I hadn’t wasted the 45 minutes on. Because that’s what a movie gets from me. You have 45 minutes to interest me. If I feel compelled to turn the movie off, I will. Usually I don’t but having this “rule” allows me to not feel bad when a movie is just horrible!
- Hit the gym 5 times a week.
o I have done this as well as I can. The resolution should have been “Work out 5 times a week” because I have done that. When I did the boot camp, I didn’t go to the gym, but I did work out. Doing The Follies I don’t go to the gym but I do work out, including a 30 min stretch and warm up before every show. So giving those parameters, I have kept this resolution.
- One letter mailed every week
o I have not kept up with this one. I don’t think I have even written more than 10 letters this whole six months. And I don’t like that about myself. I want to be more interactive with the people in my life. On the one hand, I am because facebook allows me to keep up with so many people at all hours of the day. On the other hand, that’s not a hand written letter to someone, giving them my full attention. I can do better.

The resolutions are going strong and I will continue with them. I will not eat fast food, continue to watch movies weekly, continue to work out 5x a week and I will write one letter a week and mail it out.

Here are the goals I wrote down for 2010

- Pay off entire debt
- Repay myself for Massage School costs
- Book a ship dancing or singing
- Apply for MFA (Nov)
- Book continuous shows
- Edit movie reel
- Get new headshots
- Record MTones Christmas album
- Record own Christmas album
- Apply for a Grammy
- Write lounge act for Vegas/cabaret
- Get down to 145lbs
- Get a dog and start training for agility trials

Those are great goals. And some of them I have attained. I have booked continuous shows since the first of the year, I am working my ass off to pay down my debt and get down to 145 lbs. I am going to keep these goals because I believe they are all still attainable. And I am going to add a few more now that I see where I am in the year.

- Raise $3000 through ALM for American Heart Association during the Long Beach 1/2 Marathon in October (
- Finish Greece marathon in under 5:15
- Blog five times a week on both my blogs
- Get an A in my summer marketing class and an A average in my 4 classes this fall
- Take the GMAT and score above a 600
- Apply to schools for MBA/MFA program
- De-clutter house and maintain better organization/cleanliness
- Return to vegan diet
- Move to new apartment
- Get a new day job that makes me happy
- Open a savings account for Daniel, Jonathan and Emily- depositing $10/month each

I am proud of myself for what I have accomplished so far in 2010. I am proud of the person I am and the relationships I have. I am working hard to be a better entertainer, a better daughter, a better sister, a better aunt, a better friend and a better human on this earth. I am on a path and I know it’s a good one. This is a good life I have for myself. And it can only get better.

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