Friday, June 3, 2011

3,360 Tweets......May be the Ultimate Overshare

While researching how to link my Twitter feed to this blog, my website and to Facebook it occurred to me that society might be over sharing. I might be over sharing. Then I thought about all the things I WANT to say on Twitter and Facebook, but don't, and I comfort myself that I’m still in the circle of okay.

But what if I wasn’t? What if I said exactly what I was thinking at the moment I wrote my tweet/status post? What if I didn’t edit myself or say “no one needs to know that”. How long would it take before I stopped thinking things I shouldn’t share? How long before I didn’t care what people thought? How long before I changed my thinking so anyone can know it all?

Hence the experiment I am undertaking this summert:

140 characters for 140 days.

Every hour, starting at 7pm tonight 3 June 2011 until 7p 20 Oct 2011, I will post something on Twitter. (I will not post it all on Facebook. Some people have my status come to their phones and I wouldn’t wish that many texts on anyone.) 140 characters every hour for 140 days. The caveat being during the night. Before I go to sleep each night I will tweet one tweet for every hour I will be sleeping.

These tweets will be anything I’m thinking at that moment. If I’m on the phone, I’ll say that. If I’m at dinner, I’ll talk about where I am and what I’m eating. If I found something interesting online I want to share, I'll post that. If I finish a blog, I'll post that. If I’m in the shower…..well I’ll post when I get out. Same for if I’m in the middle of any number of things I can’t be interrupted from, like driving. But hourly, my thoughts will get thrown into the Twitter universe. Hourly, I will share my witty comments, something that happened to me or something I want to do. For those not on Twitter, I will also compile them here once a day. Will be nice to see the timeline of my day. Relive it, if you will.

This project will take me through my couch surfing this summer, through my next two shows, through trips to Disneyland and Vegas, all the way through my first month of grad school. It might fail. It might be brilliant. Let’s see if I can come up with 3,360 remotely interesting things to talk about.

Why am I doing this? Because I can.


Anonymous said...

Ready to read. I might succeed. I might fail. But read I will until I no longer wish to. I have a life too, ya know. But it sounds like a fun experiment, and count me in.

Amie B. said...

Of course you have a life! :-) I hope I add to yours with the randomness that is mine. And if you're on Twitter, I'll follow you! Hope you have a great week.