Every once in a while I like to play with google. I type in a couple of letters and see what google wants to give me. Then I click on the first link and open up a brand new adventure, right at my desk. Let's see what google gives me today!
- I type in "onej" and google offers "OneJoseph" so here I go. I click on http://www.onejoseph.com/ and am pulled into a website with a gorgeous piece of art on it. The artist is Joseph Todorovitch and he is wonderful. He does all figurative art with the style reminiscent of Johannes Vermeer. I love this artist! It blows my mind that people can put this on the page and evoke such grace and peace. It's beautiful.
- I type in "fre" and google offers me "fresh brothers" so I take it. PIZZA!! And it's local! Looks like I have a new place to try for some good pizza. "Fresh thinking, fresh pizza". I like a fresh slogan. Looks really good.
- I type in "luc" and google gives me "lucid dreaming". What an interesting article. I spend the next 10 minutes maneuvering through the website http://www.lucidity.com/LucidDreamingFAQ2.html learning the difference between when I'm aware I'm dreaming and when I'm not, as well as how to use this to my advantage. This will come in handy at my desk. Maybe google will next offer me how to sleep with my eyes open.
- I type in "slee" (with the true hope google shows me how to sleep while appearing awake) and I'm taken to "sleep paralysis" which proceeds to scare the crap out of me. http://www.stanford.edu/~dement/paralysis.html It's a disfunction where you cannot move when you first wake up and/or first go to sleep. WTF? Can you imagine opening your eyes and not being able to move, when you were fully able to 8 hours ago? Jeez. Not a fan of that disorder. I'll stick with my lucid dreams.
- And finally I type in "ants", paying hommage to my ant-covered- mouse-corpse morning. Google hands me "ants marching lyrics" by DMB. Not a horrible choice. I like the idea of Dave Matthews hanging out with me as I clean up my little horrible marching ants.
take these chances place them in a box until a quiter time lights down, you up and die
I should do this every day! I like the doors it opens. I had no idea about this artist and he's wonderful. I had no idea sleep paralysis was real. I also found a diaper service called "Antsy Pants" which I thought was a cute name for a company.
Man, I love the internet.
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