Monday, April 1, 2013

A Little Spring Dreaming

I stumbled upon this list on Pintrest (damn you, you marvelous website of time-wasting, creative destruction) and thought it would be a nice way to get back into the blogging life. Let's see where the month takes us, shall we?

Question 1- List 20 Random Facts About Yourself

- I hate washing utensils
- I like throwing themed parties.
- There are two episodes of "Big, Rich Texas" on my Mac and I've seen them both over 10 times
- I fall asleep to "Toy Story", often. Like, twice a week or more, often.
- I always have at least three books I'm in the middle of reading.
- I love to clip coupons and use them.
- I have a weakness for convenience store coffee.
- I enjoy collecting things.
- Friday nights usually involve eating an entire pizza, watching a movie and at least one beer.
- I go to therapy and I like it.
- It makes me happy when my clothes are organized by type and then by color.
- I've never seen a full Dr. Who episode.
- I don't want to have kids.
- I'd like to own a goat.
- Since 1996 I have not lived at one address for more than a year. A rough count puts me at 25 address in the past 17 years.
- My life dream is to win an Oscar, an Emmy, a Tony, and a Golden Globe. And to be a Bond girl.
- I also have a goal of owning all the Monopoly games. I currently have 4 versions.
- I have run 18 marathons.
- I love naps.
- I love, love LOVE hyperboles.

There you go - 20 random facts about Amie B.
See you tomorrow!

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