Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Great White Bikini Weight Loss – Tuesday

Happy 1-11-11!!! It's really cool that we get four of these this year. I love it! I have a feeling something really cool is going to happen on 11.11.11. I should get married! But let's focus on this week's goal.

Monday update- Last night kicked my ass. I went to a BodyPump class at my gym and I really liked it. It is hard to just do weights by myself. I get bored and don’t push myself hard. It's easier in a class with music and a great instructor. And, to be honest, I could have kicked it farther. I don’t know why I am so tentative in workouts. I just pace myself. I know I have to work out for the entire 60 minutes so I do everything at an even pace thinking that I just have to survive. What would happen if I pushed harder? If I added just a little more weight? If I trusted that my body is strong and can handle what I push it to do? I guess I'll find out next week when I take the class again.

And the biggest change I have made this week is my 5a run. When I was training with Kiersten for the Long Beach 1/2 Marathon I got up every morning and ran with her. I dropped weight and leaned out. I loved it. I also loved having my workout done before the day got in the way. That way if I make it to the gym for a second work out it’s a bonus not a failure for the day.

I’m not going to say it was easy. It really, really wasn’t. My alarm went off at 4:45a and I very nearly rolled over and slept for another 30 minutes. That was my habit. Then I stopped myself and I used some basic logic. What is 30 more minutes of sleep really going to get me? Nothing. It’s not going to make me any more rested or relaxed about the day. And I get an hour nap when I get to work, I can sleep then. (I leave my house at 6a every day so I don’t hit traffic on my 40 miles ride to work. Then I sleep in my car for an hour because I don't clock in until 8am. This is just ONE reason I am job hunting.) I also thought about the people who get up every morning and run because they have a family to take care of. I thought about the actresses who wake up and do their work-out before a 6a call to set.

What nailed it for me was the basic knowledge that I wasn’t going to get the healthy body I crave if I stay in bed. 7 minutes later I was out on the street, music playing and feet moving.

It’s a mile to the ocean from my house. One mile. I can do that. And I did. It was cold (but not as cold as it is in NYC, so I had that to make me feel better). I was tired (but not as tired as the people who work three jobs to put food on the table for their family) and I hurt (but not as much as the people who fight diseases that bring them to tears from the pain.) I knew I was lucky to be out running and I took every step as a good thing.

Running in the morning is the best thing I have done for myself this week. I gets me up and out of bed. It hasn’t done much for my disposition yet, but I feel much better about going home after a crap day and sleeping because I know that I have done my run.

And I get to do it again tomorrow.

And you? What gets you out of bed for the workout you don't always want to do?

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