Sunday, January 16, 2011

White Bikini Challenge Sunday- 1st Cheat Day!

On my desk, in big red letters is “I Can Have It Sunday.” It reminds me every time I reach for chocolate or chips or anything else I shouldn’t be eating if I want to lose the extra weight. I have done well with Sunday being my goal for a cheat meal/cheat day. I can’t decide which I want. Cheat meal makes more sense so I don’t spend all day just shoving in whatever food I want. But I started the day with a left over wine cooler, so there you have it. I hadn’t had alcohol all week and I just needed some kind of treat. Wait, I did have a glass of wine at Sarah’s house on Saturday when we were doing costume dress up, but it was almost Sunday…….And I kind of cheated a little during the week. I am not good with diets! I feel like I’m continuously getting derailed from them. I ate sensibly….for the most part. But I did have yogurt on Saturday night as well as a Quiznos sandwich. I know, I know. Not ideal. I really have to get my emotional eating under control.

To save me, though, I did do an awful lot of running this weekend. I ran three mornings for my 5am wake up. On Saturday I finished 4 miles with Jalin and on Sunday I ran 4 miles with Sharon. We are all gearing up for the Safari ½ marathon in March. I love running with my girls. So much better than finishing off 4, or more, miles alone. And the running in the morning and all weekend paid off. After not losing anything all week I stepped on the scale at Sharon’s house and weighed in at 170.6. This is a 4 lbs weight loss for the week! Wahoo! That is some awesome motivation!

I went to a mystery dinner theater for dinner Sunday at an Italian restaurant. This is the meal I had been looking forward to all week. I had a ravioli, a salad, one piece of bread and a few cups of spaghetti. Ooh, and a large scoop of spumoni for dessert. And two gin martinis. The whole night was a recreation of the prohibition era! I had to partake!

What did I learn about myself during my cheat day?

I liked seeing the 4 lbs weight loss, so indulging didn’t seem like that big of a treat. I saw some progress and was motivated to keep the progress going.

I should have ordered the chicken plate instead of the spaghetti. Just because I “can” eat the bad stuff doesn’t mean I need to. The chicken came with a small portion of pasta and I would have been happy with that.

I don’t need the bread beforehand. This is something that is in all the diet books, but I never believed them. I do now. I don’t need the white paste in there clogging up things and making my belly big!

I like vodka martinis, not gin.

The cheat meal was totally worth it because I got spumoni!

Dinner was wonderful and the company was delightful. I have posted a picture of everyone in their costumes. I had a really good time, making the cheat meal exactly what it is supposed to be- about the people, not the food.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ugh. Leaving out the bread beforehand is the hardest part for me, too.
And I like gin martinis.
I am really enjoying reading this, Amie!! You are amazing and you are going to look AWESOME in that hot bikini!!!