Friday, January 28, 2011

White Bikini Challenge- Friday 1/28/11

This week I have been a hot mess of not eating well. We started rehearsals for Anything Goes on Monday and I got measured for costumes. This makes for the second time I was measured this week and the measurement was the same both times. So there is a good thing in that. And when she pulls costumes and measures me again in a month, I will be even smaller. And there is good in that. And more motivation. I managed to fit in a few workout sessions in between work and rehearsal, but I have to do that every day to make up for the morning run I’m not getting in. Plus it’s a good warm up for rehearsal and keeps me focused and mentally here. If I don’t get my runs I start to feel like a caged animal. Or a border collie who needs to get out there and just RUN!

I went to the grocery store on Tuesday night, complete with list and good intentions. And I kept to both. I stayed within my list and my food goals. Less processed, less meat and dairy, and all foods that will keep for a while. I always want more fresh foods, but I knew with my schedule I was going to have to think more long term. So lots of lean cuisine, lots of frozen veggies and a protein bar for my drive every morning. I also bought cereal, which is the only thing I’m not proud of. I haven’t have cereal in my house in months and now I remember why. It’s too easy to eat. Too easy to lose track of measurements and too easy to have another bowl. I bought the good kind – Multigrain and Total- but they are still high calorie cereals that need to not be in my world. I will eat the ones I bought, but lesson learned. No cereal in my house. It’s too dangerous! I can say no to ice cream, pie, pudding and truffles. But a bowl of cereal? Gotta have it!

Along those lines is the timing of my cereal meal. With rehearsals going strong I am getting home at 11p or later and am starving. So I have a bowl of cereal. Not a good idea. I like the comforting carb coma I go into afterwards and it puts me right to sleep. But it is not a good thing for my body so I need to curb that. Stick to my goal of no barbs after I leave work. One more guideline!

So here we are on Friday. I started drinking coffee again, which I’ve gone all month without needing, I’m eating late into the night and I’m not getting more than 6 hours of sleep a night. Oh and my morning runs have fallen off the schedule. I need to re-evaluate. This is the first week of rehearsals and I am getting back on the wagon and into a new routine. I have to plan my food even better, MAKE time for runs and keep hydrated since I am not sleeping enough. I can do this.

Especially since this the role I’ve wanted for over 10 years. I am not going to throw it away by not taking care of myself!

How about you? How was your week?


Ann Thomas said...

Love you Amie... can't wait to see you as Reno!

The Budd's said...

Love this! And so excited for this role for you =) wish I could be there to see you in it! I know what you mean by fallen off the wagon - i'm getting back on though and you will too! Thanks for sharing your life!